Sunday, 26 January 2014

Sony Xperia ST18i display မီးမလာ တာတို႔ မွိန္တာတို႕ display နဲ႕ပါတ္သက္လို႕...

1.emi filter နဲ႕ Circuits pcb ေတြကို အပူေပး (သို႕) သန္႕ရွင္းေရး (သို႕)ေပါင္းစက္နဲ႕ေပါင္းၾကည္႔ပါ/
2.Display ကႀကိဳး pin 5 ခုခ်င္း  ဆက္ပါ…  /
3. L7600 and V7601 ေတြကို ခဲေဆာ္ (သို႕)အပူေပး (တုန္ၾကည္႔ပါ)/
4. L7600 and V7601 အစားထိုးလဲႀကည့္ပါ/
5.ပံုမွျပထားတဲ့ surface mount resistor ေလးကို jumper (သို႕) အစႏွစ္ဘက္ကို join လိုက္ပါ။
 What is emi =electromagnetic interference?
Electromagnetic interference, EMI, is any undesirable electromagnetic emission or any electrical or electronic disturbance, man-made or natural, which causes an undesirable response, malfunctioning or degradation in the performance of electrical equipment. 
How does an EMI filter work?
An EMI filter has a high reactive component to its impedance.  That means the filter looks like a much higher resistance to higher frequency signals.  This high impedances attenuates or reduced the strength of these signals so they will have less of an effect on other devices. 
Credit to All...

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